Yang Hu/胡洋


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Welcome to my personal website:). I am currently an Economic Geography PhD candidate in the department of Human Geography and Spatial Planning at Utrecht University. I graduated from Zhejiang University and Nanjing University respectively, both in the major of Urban and Rural Planning. During my PhD, I investigate the impact of external linkages (such as return migrants, multinational enterprises, and interregional co-inventor networks) on innovation and regional diversification in the context of China, Europe, and US. Please find my publications on Google Scholar and contact me through Email.

Education Background

Research Areas

Evolutionary economic geography; Innovation and regional diversification; Urban and rural planning; Data science; Migrants; Multinational enterprises; Co-inventor networks; Digitalization; Taobao village

Professional Skills

Working Papers

  1. Qiao, Y. (2022). Relatedness, Complexity, and Regional Diversification in the European Union: The Role of Co-inventor Networks.
  2. Qiao, Y., Morrison, A., & Cortinovis, N. (2021). Relatedness or Forward-Backward Linkages? The Spillover Channel of MNEs on Industrial Export Quantity and Quality in China.
  3. Qiao, Y., Morrison, A., & Ascani, A. (2021). Jump Further, Climb Higher: MNEs, Industrial Relatedness and Regional Diversification in China. (Submitted to Economic Geography)
  4. Qiao, Y., Morrison, A., Ascani, A., & Breschi, S. (2021). Returnees and Innovation: Evidence from Chinese Public Listed Firms.
  5. Qiao, Y., Liu, J., & Luo, Z. (2021). Radical Rejection and Gradual Return: The Evolution of Chinese Urban-Rural Planning Thoughts and Practices in the Past Century. (Submitted to Journal of City Planning Review). [In Chinese]
  6. Qiao, Y., & Luo, Z. (2021). Spatial Structure and Innovation Performance of Chinese Cities: Evidence from 279 Prefecture-level and above Cities. (Submitted to Journal of City Planning Review). [In Chinese]


  1. Qiao, Y., & Luo, Z. (2022). From Spatial Planning to Environmental Planning: The Evolution of Planning Rights Division in Dutch Planning System. Journal of Urban Planning International. (Forthcoming). [In Chinese]
  2. Luo, Z., & Qiao, Y. (2021). New Countryside in the Internet Age: The Development and Planning of E-commerce Taobao Villages in China. Springer. (Book chapter, pp. 245-273)
  3. Qiao, Y., & Luo, Z. (2021). From Command to Negotiation: The Evolution of the Role of Urban Planning in Modern China with a Political and Economic System Perspective. Urban and Rural Planning, 2021. [In Chinese]
  4. Qiao, Y. (2021). Analysis of Rural Construction Practice from Perspective of Social Structure—Based on Liang Shuming’s Theory of Rural Construction. Proceedings of 2020/2021 Annual Symposium of Chinese Urban Planning. China Architecture & Building Press. [In Chinese]
  5. Qiao, Y. (2020). The Evolution, Characteristics and Direction of China’s Urbanization since Reform and Opening-up: From the Perspective of Population, Economy, and Institution. Journal of City Planning Review, 1, pp. 44-51. [In Chinese]
  6. Qiao, Y., & Luo, Z. (2020). Refutation and Reflection: Analysis of ‘Science’ in Urban-Rural Planning with a Perspective from Philosophy of Language. Urban Development Studies, 27(09), pp. 26-32. [In Chinese]
  7. Qiao, Y., & Luo, Z. (2020). Balance of Centralization and Decentralization: The Establishment and Implementation of Dutch Municipal Spatial Planning. Development of Small Cities & Towns, 38(12), pp. 21-27. [In Chinese]
  8. Qiao, Y., Luo, Z., & Heming, H. (2019). The Spatiotemporal Characteristics of Industry in Western City based on the Flow of Capital—A Case Study of Zunyi. Journal of Shanghai Urban Planning Review, 1, pp. 90-95. [In Chinese]
  9. Fu, Z., Luo, Z., & Qiao, Y. (2019). Disappearing under the Growth: Spatial Distribution Patterns and Evolution Mechanisms of Taobao Villages. Journal of Shanghai Urban Planning Review, 2, pp. 124-130. [In Chinese]
  10. Cao, Y., Luo, Z., & Qiao, Y. (2019). Agglomeration in the Margin: The Spatial Characteristics, Trend, and Planning Response of Taobao Villages in Yangtze Delta Region. Journal of Shanghai Urban Planning Review, 5, pp. 22-28, 36. [In Chinese]
  11. Luo, Z., Cui, G., & Qiao, Y. (2019). Stage, Thought and Action: Evolution of Modern Chinese Regional Planning Theory and Practice with an International Perspective. Journal of Urban Planning International, 34(04), pp. 16-22. [In Chinese]
  12. Qiao, Y. (2018). Developmental Value: Changes of Public Interest in Urban Planning Practice: A Historical Comparative Perspective. Journal of City Planning Review, 1, pp. 67-73. [In Chinese]
  13. Qiao, Y. (2018). Western Marxism on Capital and Urbanism: A Thought Sketch of David Harvey. Proceedings of 2018 Annual Symposium of Chinese Urban Planning. China Architecture & Building Press. [In Chinese]
  14. Qiao, Y., & Chen, F. (2018). Analysis of Chinese Healthy Urbanism and Problem of Real Estate Market—Based on the Impartial Distribution of Land Development Right. Proceedings of 2018 Annual Symposium of Chinese Urban Planning. China Architecture & Building Press. [In Chinese]
  15. Qiao, Y., Wang, Y., Zheng, W., Zheng, Y., Tang, K., & Jin, L. (2017). Investigation on Nanjing Maker Space and Illumination on the Construction of Mass Innovation Space. Proceedings of 2017 Annual Symposium of Chinese Urban Planning. China Architecture & Building Press. [In Chinese]


English(C1), IELTS: 7; German(B1); Dutch (Basic); Chinese (Native)